Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Koffee with Karan

Was watching this show sometime last week, with a friend who has just returned back from the land of opportunities. So who do you think is sexy and who do you think is a good actor? This was the question put to some celebrities, they were asked to compare Rani M and Kareena K. As expected Rani won in the acting part and Kareena won the sexy part. If you ask me, I would have said Rani on both the fronts, well who is asking me.

The surprising part of the show was, the way they described Kareena's Gluteus Maximus. Comments ranged from cute, tight, bootilycious to what an ass she has !. We were just thinking about the changing scene in today's India and how it has become too cool to talk about "somebody's ass and something else too" in front of a national audience.


At 8:26 AM, Blogger Krish said...

Its called Free Media....the sad part is it has become Free-for-all media....

At 10:34 AM, Blogger kaatss said...

hey hari,

remember....we are developing progressively both economically and culturally ;);)....

thest things are bound to happen due to the western influence....anyways have fun...ciao

At 11:29 PM, Blogger Cogito said...

Some call it "progressive development" , others call it " freedom of speech",the rest call it " Stupidity" ......

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Very true - it has become "Free for all"


yes it is - western influence - right from showing someone's something - to talking about someone's something


You have a knack of saying the right things - so what do you call it ?


At 4:38 AM, Blogger ILA (a) இளா said...

the queston itself wrong from the channel itself. the guy would have gone more that also. Channel also public have to have their limits. we have improve Public responsibility, like kissing in publc place, rubbing ........., nonsense.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger kaatss said...

now its a chicken or egg syndrome ila....did people change first or did media force the people to change???...not an easy question to answer :)

At 9:14 PM, Blogger gvenum said...

The media thse days survives on sensationalism..have you seen Times of India website...its a soft porn site.

At 7:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's neither western influence nor media. Indian Sanskrit literature has lot of such descriptions.
For eg. What does 'Ur'vashi mean ?

At 7:46 AM, Blogger sanchapanzo said...

I think you missed the best part of the whole show in your blog i.e 'Kareena's blush everytime Shahid's name is mentioned'!

At 9:40 PM, Blogger Twin-Gemini said...

Like Kaatss says, these were just bound to happen. Although this post has now kindled my interest in watching this show. Let me see if I can find it online somewhere ;-)


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