What is Fine ?
If you are talking with someone, and the other person says Fine. What does he or she really mean ? Are they in consent with you ? Or are they not ? I think its very irritating. Atleast i get irritated whenever somebody says this to me.
Mr X - Dude, is it possible to do this thing this way ?
Mr Y - No da, you cant do that that way, instead you have to do that this way.
Mr X - Fine
What does this fine mean ?
Fine, good question.
hehehe i do it aaaaall the time, kaatssa ketu paarunga :p
hehehe i do it aaaall the time, kaatssa ketu paarunga :p
~idli (may have commented this twice....chorry!)
if there were rolling eyeballs, it prob meant he thought you're some smartass. cheers. :)
fine idli fine
Fine guys, i know how fine you guys are, but what does the fine you said has to do anything with the fine question i asked ?
well, when i say it, its when i cant be bothered to carry on the matter so it doesnt escalate into a full scale brawl. Also, it has a kinda final word about it, and gives the impression that you won the argument. That help? :D
now you have added a new dimension to my question
what does a fine when said by a fine girl mean and vice versa ?
It means you're in trouble !
Oh am i Indica ?
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