Software Horoscope
How most of these are very true about my software/general capabilities. Which one of these is applicable to me, is your guess.
Gemini - May 21 - June 21
These also flirt here. They talk more than what they know and form very bad programmers. They are fascinated with gathering as much information aspossible, and their facility as communicators - both written and verbal- arises from this need. They see the problem earlier than any other Sign can.They are adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously, and they know how to reason with people, but they may lack follow-through or seem ungrateful. They tend to use management jargon with young people around them. They get their job done by hook or by crook.They don't mind getting the work done through somebody and once they get it done they claim the title. They show deep respect for people who help them.They change jobs easily and they fare very well in interviews. Geminis cannot be trusted for more than a year. They are very impractical and cannot get along well with practical signs like Aries, Taurus.
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